Google scholar Alerted me to “MERF: Memory-Efficient Radiance Fields for Real-time View Synthesis in Unbounded Scenes” because it cites “Sea of Images”

  • I read the abstract and watched the video
  • I look at the references and found:
  • “Advances in Neural Rendering”, I read the abstract noticing it was ML based, so I stopped reading.
  • “MatryODShka: Real-time (6DoF) Video View Synthesis using Multi-Sphere Images” after reading the abstract and watched the video, they used ML witch turn me off.
  • MREF uses raycasting witch i’ve exclude from my research.

@article{szeliskimerf, title={MERF: Memory-Efficient Radiance Fields for Real-time View Synthesis in Unbounded Scenes}, author={Szeliski, Richard and Reiser, Christian and Verbin, Dor and Srinivasan, Pratul P and Mildenhall, Ben and Geiger, Andreas and Barron, Jonathan T and Hedman, Peter} url=”” }

@inproceedings{Attal:2020:ECCV, author = “Benjamin Attal and Selena Ling and Aaron Gokaslan and Christian Richardt and James Tompkin”, title = “{MatryODShka}: Real-time {6DoF} Video View Synthesis using Multi-Sphere Images”, booktitle = “European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)”, month = aug, year = “2020”, url = “” }

@misc{tewari2022advances, title={Advances in Neural Rendering}, author={Ayush Tewari and Justus Thies and Ben Mildenhall and Pratul Srinivasan and Edgar Tretschk and Yifan Wang and Christoph Lassner and Vincent Sitzmann and Ricardo Martin-Brualla and Stephen Lombardi and Tomas Simon and Christian Theobalt and Matthias Niessner and Jonathan T. Barron and Gordon Wetzstein and Michael Zollhoefer and Vladislav Golyanik}, year={2022}, eprint={2111.05849}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.GR} }

@inproceedings{aliaga2002sea, title={Sea of images}, author={Aliaga, Daniel G and Funkhouser, Thomas and Yanovsky, Dimah and Carlbom, Ingrid}, booktitle={IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002.}, pages={331–338}, year={2002}, organization={IEEE} }